The Incidence of Delirium with its related factors, in our Postsurgical Critical Care Unit. Montecelo Hospital. Pontevedra. Spain

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Data de publicación
2018-08Título da revista
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Publicación de congreso
delirio confusional | incidencia | asistencia del enfermo críticoMeSH
Delirium | Critical Care | IncidenceResumo
Background and Goal of Study: 1-To study the incidence of Delirium in the
Postsurgical Critical Care Unit (Reanimation) in the Pontevedra Universitary
2-Relate the incidence of Delirium with the specific idiosyncrasia of the Critical
Surgical Patients.
3-To estimate the need to implement a specific and protocolized tool for the
detection of Delirium in the Unit of Critical Surgical patients.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective descriptive observational study. All
patients admitted to the unit during the year 2016 were reviewed. For the statistical
analysis, the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics v19 was used. We performed
a univariate and descriptive analysis of the variables as follows: qualitative and
quantitative variables were measured as number and percentage (n,%), while
continuous variables were measured as mean ± standard deviation provided
they followed normal distribution And as Median and Rank when they did not
follow normal distribution. The normality of the variables was measured by the
Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test. Bivariate analyses were performed with the T-Student
test when the variables followed normal distribution and by the Wilcoxon test when
they did not follow this distribution.
Results and Discussion: The incidence of delirium in our unit was 33% in 2016.
The mean number of days of stay in patients who did not present delirium in
the unit was 7 days, while those who did presented an average of 14 days. An
association with an OR> 3 was demonstrated between patients with BMI> 24.9 and
the likelihood of delirium. In our unit the presence of delirium was not associated
with a greater probability of exitus, but it was demonstrated that the patients who
presented delirium died more precociously. We objectify that the professional who
detects delirium the most is the nursing staff, given their role in the care and the
continuous presence in the unit of critics.
Conclusion: The incidence of delirium in our unit was 33% in 2016. The mean
number of days of stay in patients who did not present delirium in the unit was 7
days, while those who did presented an average of 14 days. Comunicación presentada en Euroanaesthesia 2018: The European Anaesthesiology Congress, celebrado en Copenague (Dinamarca) del 2 al 4 de junio de 2018.