Dermatological nursing. Design of editorial and scientific improvement (2007-2015)

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2017-05-05Tipo de contenido
Publicación de congreso
dermatología | factor de impacto de revistas | investigación en evaluación de la enfermeríaMeSH
Nursing Evaluation Research | Dermatology | Journal Impact FactorResumen
Aim: To analyze the scientific production of the Dermatological Nursing Journal until 2015.
Method: Descriptive and bibliometric study of all the published articles from January 2007 to December 2015 in the Dermatological Nursing journal, accessible to full text on the website of the “Asociación Nacional de Enfermería Dermatológica e Investigación del Deterioro de Integridad Cutánea (ANEDIDIC)”. Valuation of contents through the peer review system and an ad hoc listing. The data were tabulated in EXCEL for their descriptive statistical analysis.
Results / Discussion: During the 9 years analyzed, a total of 26 issues and 205 articles have been published; scientific publishing (3%), dermatological training articles (24%), original articles (25%), clinical cases (20%), scientific papers (3%), scientific recommendations (7%), of them were letters to the director (3%). The most used clinical topic was the approach of the skin integrity deterioration, chronic ulcers and wounds, especially pressure ulcers (45%), in both, editorial and original article, review or clinical case. The profile of the first author is preferably a male (58%), and nurse specializing Master (52%). Dermatological Nursing, is a scientific journal. It is specialized in dermatology, ulcers and wounds, published since 2007. In 2012, the peer review system was incorporated, improving its editorial and scientific quality, indexing the full text in the DIALNET repository. Since 2013 it is being widespread in Latin America through the Latindex Directory; in 2014 an own ethical code is established, the editorial committee is enlarged, the first scientific editorial is published and it is available, exclusively, in electronic format. In 2015, it was indexed in the CUIDEN database, which improves its impact. The published articles are mainly secondary sources (evidences, recommendations, consensuses, experiences, etc.). The improvement plan includes promoting a greater production of original articles, clinical trials (primary sources), as well as the participation of more external authors to ANEDIDIC.
Conclusion: The peer review rigorousness, the establishment of an own ethical code and the expansion of the Editorial Committee have allowed an improvement in the editorial quality of the journal, which in turn, has increased exponentially its national and international diffusion. Comunicación - póster presentada en: 27th Conference of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA 2017) in cooperation with WCS Knowledge Centre Wound Care: "Change, opportunities and challenges - Wound management in changing healthcare systems" celebrado en Amsterdam (The Neatherlands), el 3 y 5 de Mayo 2017.