Pain as the fifth vital sign in Galicia: overcome challenge

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Autor corporativo
Servizo Galego de Saúde::Xerencia do Servizo Galego de Saúde::Subdirección Xeral de Atención ao Cidadán e CalidadeFecha de publicación
2013Tipo de contenido
Publicación de congreso
medida del dolor | signos vitales | percepción del dolor | tratamiento del dolor | ciencia políticaMeSH
Pain Perception | Politics | Pain Measurement | Vital Signs | Pain ManagementResumen
Background / Purpose: In 2010, the Galician Health Service (SERGAS) set forth the “Integral Pain Care Strategy” within the strategy “SERGAS” 2014: public healthcare at the patient’s service.In 2011 pain evaluation as a fifth vital sign is implemented in all 15 hospitals belonging to the Galician Health Service, including the Visual Analogue Pain Scale in the vital signs chart within the Management of Care Application (GACELA) data record. The following standard was included as an objective in the management contract which is signed by all hospital directors: that 50% of all in-patients have a pain evaluation register in their vital signs chart. Main conclusion: Nearly half of all in-patients suffer pain, more so in females over 60 years old. The pain evaluation procedure has allowed us to become aware of the real situation and to improve healthcare procedures. Comunicación - póster presentada en: 8th biennial European Pain Federation, EFIC congress “Pain in Europe VIII”, celebrado en Florencia (Italia) del 9 al 12 de octubre de 2013
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