Perfil del médico de familia que accede a plazas con tutoría docente de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria mediante concurso de traslados en Galicia.

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2019-07-17Título de revista
Tipo de contenido
médicos de atención primaria | educación médica | gestión de personal | desarrollo del personalMeSH
Physicians, Primary Care | Staff Development | Personnel Management | Education, MedicalResumen
Objetivo: Analizar el perfil de los médicos de familia que accedieron a plazas, tanto del cupo general como reservadas para tutores de medicina familiar y comunitaria, mediante concurso de traslados.
Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se establecieron 2 grupos de comparación: en el grupo No Docencia se incluyeron médicos de familia que no solicitaron o no accedieron a plazas de tutoría y en el grupo Docencia, a los que accedieron a plazas reservadas para tutoría. La información se obtuvo de las puntuaciones del concurso de traslados realizado en Galicia en 2018. Se incluyeron 426 médicos de familia que se inscribieron en elconcurso: 301 mujeres (70,7%) y 125 hombres (29,3%). Las variables fueron la obtención deplaza con reserva para tutores, el género y los méritos considerados en el concurso: experiencia profesional, formación, publicaciones científicas y lengua gallega. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas de Mann-Whitney y de Kruskal-Wallis, al comprobar la distribución no normal.
Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la distribución por géneros a favor de los hombres en el grupo Docencia frente al No Docencia, con una p < 0,01. El grupo Docencia obtuvo mejores resultados en formación y publicaciones. Las mujeres obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente significativos a su favor en la variable formación y los hombresen la experiencia. OBJECTIVE:
To analyse the profile of Family Doctors who gain access to positions, both to the general quota, as well those reserved for teaching tutors of Family and Community Medicine, by means of a relocation competition.
A descriptive observational study was conducted in which 2 comparison groups were established: A Non-Teaching group that did not include Family Doctors who did not request or gain access to tutor positions, and a Teaching group with those that gained access to positions reserved for tutors. The information was obtained from the marks of the relocation competition carried out in Galicia in 2018. A total of 426 General Practitioners that entered the examination were included, of which 301 were female (70.7%) and 125 (29.3%) males. The variables were the obtaining of a position reserved for tutor, gender, and the merits considered in the competition: professional experience, training, scientific publications, and Galician language. The non-parametric statistics tests of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis were used, after checking for non-normal distribution.
Statistically significant differences were found in the distribution by gender in favour of males in the Teaching group compared to the Non-Teaching group (P<.01). The Teaching group obtained better results in training and publications. The females obtained statistically significant results in their favour in the training variable, and the males in experience.
For the choice of teaching places in relocation interviews and examinations, publications and training had an important weighting; but, taking the gender perspective into account, a lower percentage of women had gained access to teaching positions due to having lower score in the experience category.