A colorectal cancer susceptibility new variant at 4q26 in the Spanish population identified by genome-wide association analysis
Real, Luis M; Ruiz, Agustín; Gayán, Javier; González-Pérez, A; Sáez, ME; Ramírez-Lorca, R; Morón, FJ; Velasco, J; Marginet-Flinch, R; Musulén, E; Carrasco, JM; Moreno-Rey, C; Vázquez, E; Chaves-Conde, M; Moreno-Nogueira, JA; Hidalgo-Pascual, M; Ferrero-Herrero, E; Castellví-Bel, S; Castells, A; Fernández Rozadilla, Ceres; Ruiz Ponte, Clara; Carracedo Álvarez, Ángel; González, B; Alonso, S; Perucho, M

Date issued
2014Journal title
PLoS One
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