Computational assessment of the retinal vascular tortuosity integrating domain-related information

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2019Título de revista
Scientific Reports
Tipo de contenido
fotografía | biología computacional | enfermedades de la retina | fondo de ojo | diagnóstico | retina | humanos | disco óptico | vasos retinianos | arteriasMeSH
Retina | Computational Biology | Retinal Vessels | Humans | Fundus Oculi | Diagnosis | Arteries | Optic Disk | Photography | Retinal DiseasesResumen
The retinal vascular tortuosity presents a valuable potential as a clinical biomarker of many relevant vascular and systemic diseases. Commonly, the existent approaches face the tortuosity quantification by means of fully mathematical representations of the vessel segments. However, the specialists, based on their diagnostic experience, commonly analyze additional domain-related information that is not represented in these mathematical metrics of reference. In this work, we propose a novel computational tortuosity metric that outperforms the mathematical metrics of reference also incorporating anatomical properties of the fundus image such as the distinction between arteries and veins, the distance to the optic disc, the distance to the fovea, and the vessel caliber. The evaluation of its prognostic performance shows that the integration of the anatomical factors provides an accurate tortuosity assessment that is more adjusted to the specialists' perception.