Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA
Wanden-Berghe Lozano, Carmina; Cuerda Compes, Cristina; Maíz Jiménez, María; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; Ramos Boluda, Esther; Gómez Candela, Carmen; Virgili Casas, María Nuria; Burgos Peláez, Rosa; de Luis Román, Daniel A.; Penacho Lázaro, Mª Ángeles; Sánchez Martos, Eva Ángeles; Martínez Faedo, Ceferino; Díaz Guardiola, Patricia; Álvarez Hernández, Julia; Zugasti Murillo, Ana; Campos Martín, Cristina; Sanz Paris, Alejandro; Martín Fontalba, María de Los Ángeles; Lobo-Támer, Gabriela; Matía Martín, María Pilar; Carabaña Pérez, Fátima; Martín Folgueras, Tomás; Martín Palmero, M. ª Ángela; Luengo Pérez, Luis Miguel; Sánchez-Vilar Burdiel, Olga; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Tejera Pérez, Cristina; Martínez Ramírez, María José; García Delgado, Yaiza; Ponce González, Miguel Ángel; Mauri Roca, Sílvia; García Zafra, María Victoria; Germán Díaz, Marta; Romero, Victoria; Molina Baeza, Begoña; Gonzalo Marín, Montserrat; Irles Rocamora, José Antonio; Sánchez Sánchez, Rebeca; Apezetxea Celaya, Antxón; Joaquín Ortiz, Clara; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; Pintor de la Maza, Begoña; Leyes García, Pere; Gil Martinez, M. ª Carmen; Carrera Santaliestra, María José

Date issued
2020Journal title
Nutricion Hospitalaria
Type of content
Journal Article
nutrición parenteral | enterocolitis | enfermedad de Hirschsprung | humanos | neoplasias | adultoMeSH
Adult | Humans | Parenteral Nutrition | Hirschsprung Disease | Enterocolitis | NeoplasmsAbstract
Introduction: Aim: to communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group ( for the year 2018 Material and methods: descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Results: there were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7% women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was "palliative cancer" (22.0%), followed by "others". In children it was Hirschsprung's disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4%). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9%) and adults (35.7%). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0%) and adults (41.1%). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0%) and change to oral feeding (33.3%). Conclusions: the number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN.
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