Recomendaciones del Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU) sobre el tratamiento de pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal asociada a espondiloartritis

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2020Título de revista
Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia
Tipo de contenido
Journal Article
uveítis | comunicación interdisciplinar | farmacoterapia | antígeno HLA-B27 | antirreumáticos | reumatología | progresión de la enfermedad | predisposición genética a la enfermedad | gastroenterología | inmunosupresores | enfermedad de Crohn | humanos | antiinflamatorios | espondiloartropatías | colitis ulcerosa | colitis | espondiloartritis | artritisMeSH
Spondylarthropathies | Interdisciplinary Communication | Spondylarthritis | Drug Therapy | Rheumatology | Crohn Disease | Anti-Inflammatory Agents | Arthritis | Genetic Predisposition to Disease | Immunosuppressive Agents | Humans | Antirheumatic Agents | Colitis, Ulcerative | HLA-B27 Antigen | Uveitis | Colitis | Disease Progression | GastroenterologyResumen
Extraintestinal manifestations, in general, and in particular arthropathies, are a common problem in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, the relationship between those 2entities is close and there are increasingly more data which suggest that the bowel plays a significant role in the aetiopathogenesis of spondyloarthritis. The association of inflammatory bowel disease with any kind of spondyloarthritis represents a challenging clinical scenario. It is therefore necessary that both gastroenterologists and rheumatologists work together and establish a fluent communication that enables the patient to receive the most appropriate treatment for each specific situation. The aim of this review is to make some recommendations about the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and associated spondyloarthritis, in each different clinical scenario.
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