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dc.contributor.authorServia Dopazo, Miguel 
dc.contributor.authorTaracido-Trunk, M.
dc.contributor.authorFigueiras Guzmán, Adolfo
dc.description.abstractThe misuse of antibiotics in humans, animals, and plants is related to the spread of resistant antibiotic strains among humans and animals. In this paper, we carry out a bibliographic search of Medline, Web of Knowledge, and Cab Abstracts with the main objective of ascertaining the available evidence on non-clinical factors and attitudes that could influence the prescription of antibiotics by veterinarians. A total of 34 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Whereas, veterinary health professionals' prescribing habits did not appear to be influenced by their socio-demographic characteristics, they were influenced by different attitudes, such as fear (identified in 19 out of 34 studies), self-confidence (19/34), business factors (19/34), and by complacency (16/34). Certain owner-related factors, such as lack of awareness (16/34) and demand for antibiotics (12/34), were also important, as were concurrent factors, ranging from a lack of appropriate regulations (10/34) to the expense and delays involved in performing culture and sensitivity tests (10/34) and inadequate farm hygiene (8/34). Our results appear to indicate that the non-clinical factors are potentially modifiable. This may be useful for designing interventions targeted at improving antibiotic use in animals, as part of an overall strategy to reduce the global spread of multi-resistant strains.
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional
dc.titleNon-Clinical Factors Determining the Prescription of Antibiotics by Veterinarians: A Systematic Review
dc.typeJournal Articlees
dc.authorsophosServia-Dopazo, M.;Taracido-Trunk, M.;Figueiras, A.
dc.journal.titleAntibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
dc.organizationÁrea Sanitaria de Pontevedra e O Salnés::Hospital de O Salnés::Medicina Preventiva||SERGAS::Área Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela e Barbanza::IDIS.- Instituto de investigaciones sanitarias de Santiago
dc.subject.keywordHP Salnéses
dc.typefidesArtículo de Revisiónes
dc.typesophosArtículo de Revisiónes

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