Lack of validation of genetic variants associated with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis: A genome-wide association study replication and meta-analysis
Márquez, A.; Ferreiro Iglesias, Aida; Dávila-Fajardo, C. L.; Montes Martínez, Ariana María; Pascual-Salcedo, D.; Pérez Pampín, Eva; Moreno-Ramos, M. J.; García-Portales, R.; Navarro, F.; Moreira, V.; Magro, C.; Caliz, R.; Ferrer, M.A; Alegre-Sancho, J. J.; Joven, B.; Carreira, P.; Balsa, A.; Vasilopoulos, Y.; Sarafidou, T.; Cabeza-Barrera, J.; Narvaez, J.; Raya, E.; Cañete, J. D.; Fernández-Nebro, A.; Ordóñez, M. D. C.; De la Serna, A. R; Magallares, B; Gómez-Reino Carnota, Juan Jesús; González Martínez-Pedrayo, Antonio; Martín, J.

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2014Título de revista
Tipo de contenido
Antirreumáticos | Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple | Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa | Estudio de Asociación del Genoma CompletoMeSH
Antirheumatic Agents | Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide | Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha | Genome-Wide Association StudyResumen
Introduction: In this study, our aim was to elucidate the role of four polymorphisms identified in a prior large genome-wide association study (GWAS) in which the investigators analyzed the responses of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi). The authors of that study reported that the four genetic variants were significantly associated. However, none of the associations reached GWAS significance, and two subsequent studies failed to replicate these associations.
Methods: The four polymorphisms (rs12081765, rs1532269, rs17301249 and rs7305646) were genotyped in a total of 634 TNFi-treated RA patients of Spanish Caucasian origin. Four outcomes were evaluated: changes in the Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (DAS28) after 6 and 12 months of treatment and classification according to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria at the same time points. Association with DAS28 changes was assessed by linear regression using an additive genetic model. Contingency tables of genotype and allele frequencies between EULAR responder and nonresponder patients were compared. In addition, we combined our data with those of previously reported studies in a meta-analysis including 2,998 RA patients.
Results: None of the four genetic variants showed an association with response to TNFi in any of the four outcomes analyzed in our Spanish patients. In addition, only rs1532269 yielded a suggestive association (P = 0.0033) with the response to TNFi when available data from previous studies were combined in the meta-analysis.
Conclusion: Our data suggest that the rs12081765, rs1532269, rs17301249 and rs7305646 genetic variants do not have a role as genetic predictors of TNFi treatment outcomes.