Evaluation of the Stability of Newborn Hospital Parenteral Nutrition Solutions

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2024-02Título de revista
Tipo de contenido
asistencia del enfermo crítico | fenómenos fisiológicos nutricionales del lactanteMeSH
Critical Care | Infant Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaResumen
[ENG] (1) Background: parenteral nutrition (PN) solutions are an extremely complex mixture. It is composed of a multitude of chemical elements that can give rise to a large number of interactions that condition its stability and safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of PN solutions for preterm infants. (2) Methods: eight samples were prepared according to the protocol for prescribing PN in preterm infants. Samples PN1-PN7 had the normal progression of macronutrients and standard amounts of micronutrients for a 1 kg preterm infant. The PN8 sample had a high concentration of electrolytes, with the idea of forcing stability limits. Samples were stored both at room temperature and under refrigeration. Measurements of globule size, pH, density, and viscosity were performed in both storage protocols on different days after processing. (3) Results: the changes in the composition of the samples did not affect the evolution of the stability at the different measurement times and temperatures. Viscosity was affected by the compositional changes made in the PN samples, but no alterations due to time or temperature were observed. Density and pH remained stable, without significant changes due to time, storage temperature, or different composition. (4) Conclusion: all samples remained stable during the study period and did not undergo significant alterations due to compositional changes or different experimental conditions.